Dreaming Spanish

I'm not eager to admit this...

But I took ~10 days off from practicing Spanish last month.

(In case you missed it, I moved to Buenos Aires back in May. So 10 days off is inexcusable right now, and quite literally detrimental to my day-to-day.)

Yes, I had some travel.

Yes, I interact with people in Spanglish every day.

But no matter how I spin it... dedicated practice is a MUST.

So what gives?

Why'd I blow it off for a week and half?

Well, here's the part I'm not eager to admit...

Instead of commiting to 20-30 minutes per day—something manageable even on my busiest days—I set a 2+ hour minimum on Dreaming Spanish.

(The learning tool I'm prioritizing.)

You can guess what happened next:

When I worked late, traveled, or felt wiped: no part of me wanted to watch videos I only kind of understood for two hours. So like a hypocritical nitwit... I blew it off altogether since "I wouldn't hit my 'full' goal anyway."

I know, I know.

This couldn't be more at odds with everything I talk to you about:

  1. Creating a plan for the busiest, least motivated version of you
  2. Committing to doing something even if you can't do everything
  3. Giving your best every single day—no matter what that looks like

Fortunately, a string of less-than-impressive interactions in Spanglish was all the motivation I needed to get my act together.

I dropped my minimum to 30 minutes per day, and—*gasp*—I've been on a roll.

I actually often smoke this, since I feel so good once I'm in a groove.

Funny how that works, huh?

If you've been wrestling with consistency, too, I hope this was a well-timed reminder.

A reminder I apparently needed, too.


P.S. I'll admit that I still often question whether 30 minutes is enough. But after 10 days of ZERO minutes... I have no right to. You have to nail what's ON your plate before adding to it.

Sam Forget

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